This Small Art Museum Shares Why It Went Mobile

When you need to actively engage visitors in a world where everyone is distracted by technology, what do you do?
The American Art Museum, Smithsonian Institution- Luce (AAM-SMIL) would tell you, “Use Engage by Cell!”
The AAM-SMIL in Washington, D.C. uses Engage by Cell’s audio tour to astound its visitors.
“An audio tour is an easier way to convey more information without having to take up space with a label,” says Program Coordinator Bridget Callahan.
Engage by Cell is a cost-efficient, easy-to-use solution that allows more visitors to engage with exhibits through self-guided audio tours. It’s effective because it prompts people to ask questions and have discussions with other visitors.
How do museum visitors like the audio tour?
Callahan reports, “The reaction has been very positive, and our usage stats are consistently high.”
For years Engage by Cell has partnered with museums including the Orange County Museum of Art and the Columbus Museum of Art, providing captivating audio tours in multiple languages.
Mobile technology and audio tours provide visitors with more options to explore and learn about featured exhibits, improving the overall guest experience.