Small Town Shares How It Got Visitors Excited About It's History

Step into the 21st century, where technology opens up new avenues for exploration and learning. As establishments strive to captivate the attention of modern-day visitors, the question arises: How can your venue attract more visitors, and ignite their passion for learning?
Discover Jamestown ND (DJ-ND) found their answer in Engage by Cell’s self-guided audio tours. The impact has been nothing short of extraordinary. Searle Swedlund, the Director at DJ-ND, exclaims, "When visitors find out about the audio tour they are excited and surprised that we offer it.”
With just their cell phones in hand, visitors effortlessly access a wealth of curated information crafted by DJ-ND. This accessibility of self-guided audio tours has not only captured visitors' attention but has also succeeded in captivating individuals of all age groups. Swedlund shares, "People are excited about it as a community."

Engage by Cell isn't just transforming DJ-ND; it's making waves across towns and museums nationwide, revitalizing the way history and knowledge are shared. And the cherry on top? Director Searle Swedlund attests that Engage by Cell is cost-effective, ensuring that embracing innovation doesn't break the bank.
In a world where out smartphones are an extension of us, Engage by Cell emerges as the ultimate conduit to intimately connect with your visitors on a profoundly immersive level. Are you poised to reshape the trajectory of your visitors' educational journey? Engage by Cell stands ready as the beacon guiding your way through an enriched experience, courtesy of self-guided audio tours.