8 Ways Learning Institutions Use Technology for Mission Success

Engage by Cell partners with hundreds of primary schools, universities, colleges, and other scholastic organizations to help them with their communication needs. These educational organizations have discovered that mobile technology services can widen the pool of fundraising prospects, increase awareness of the organization and its programs, and increase overall engagement with large, segmented audiences.
Our most successful education clients weave multiple mobile actions together to accomplish one or several of these goals. Here are some of the more popular campaign objectives.
- Build a text message (SMS) opt-in list. Encourage people to text in to sign up for alerts while they are at a school function, sporting event, alumni gathering or elsewhere. Encourage distribution list opt-ins in existing content, such as newsletters, and in printed collateral like easily viewable posters. Once they have opted into the SMS distribution list, schools can push relevant and timely information to them through their mobile phones.
- Gamify your user experience. Create games, surveys, polls, contests, and other engaging activities. Then provide the audience with the ability to register for an activity or future event, make a donation, or take a tour using mobile web apps.
- Offer smartphone audio guided campus tours to prospective students and parents, boosters, alumni, and any stakeholders.
- Use mobile services like text messaging and mobile web apps for counseling and human services departments, creating platforms for sharing information, touching base with students or staff members, and allowing a specific audience to ask questions -- that can be answered instantaneously.
- Use mobile services to stay connected to faculty. People are overloaded with email and timely open less than one-fifth of the time. Text message delivery rates, meanwhile, are nearly 95 percent.
- At every event, from tree lightings to concerts and sporting contests, ask participants to take out their phones and make a donation to a particular cause or to an organization. It’s fast, simple, and many are excited to help out when they are struck by the moment.
- At graduation, use texting to remind students and parents about where to be at important times.
- Ask parents of current students to opt in and remain involved in their children’s activities and school programs, creating an improved sense of community.
Call Engage by Cell at 415-615-0150 or email us at to find out how mobile technology can help your learning institution achieve its mission.
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