High School Takes Live Auction Fundraiser to the Next Level

Can mobile giving increase donations at school fundraising events? Clearly, the answer is yes -- here’s why.
Fundraising for school groups and clubs has evolved significantly in recent years. Car washes, spirit nights, and bake sales still have their place, but mobile technology has opened up new opportunities for raising needed funds. Cristo Rey San José Jesuit High School (CRSJ), located in San Jose, California, used Engage by Cell and its mobile technology at this year’s Rey of Hope Scholarship Event.
“We raised nearly $186,000,” reported Katie Boennighausen, Events Manager.
As attendees bid during the live auction, they could watch donations rise on Engage by Cell’s fundraising thermometer. With 100% of CRSJ students receiving financial assistance, every dollar spent on fundraising matters. “For the price point, it was good for us,” says Boennighausen. “We’ve had a good experience with Engage by Cell.”
Mobile technology is an effective fundraising solution for high schools that host annual events or participate in ongoing giving campaigns. Sign up for a free demo by clicking the button below to see if mobile giving can help your school reach its fundraising goals.