WIOA Funding Now Available for Text Messaging

A recent Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) announced new allowable uses for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds. Grantees and other competitive grant funds are now able to utilize WIOA dollars for outreach activities in efforts to "maximize the reach of workforce development services." The news means massive strides for workforce development organizations who are looking to leverage innovative technology to conduct effective outreach. The letter suggests exploring technology like text messaging, mobile websites, and QR codes!
These tools are not new - hundreds of organizations across the country have been successfully using mobile tech for years. With WIOA funding, organizations using the tools can ramp up campaigns, while those who havent had the chance can begin new outreach methods.
Guidance Letter No. 03-23 section C lists these ways to conduct outreach:

Fact: Text message open rates are 98%, while email is at less than 20% as surveyed by Engage by Cell.

Fact: 70% of web traffic comes from mobile phones. Source: Review 42

Fact: Engage by Cell platforms automatically generate QR codes that auto populate text messages, or lead to web app main menus and pages.
Increase program participation, visibility, job placement, and save staff time with automated reminders and follow up. Take advantage of this opportunity today with Engage by Cell mobile engagement suite of services! Click below for more information.