5 Ways Mobile Is Helping Workforce Development

The Engage by Cell mobile web app builder and text messaging platform help workforce development organizations reach job seekers, improve training and skill retention.
Here are five reasons why that’s so helpful to you:
1. Job Seeker Outreach
Several Goodwills and county workforce development offices use Engage by Cell services to send job alerts, career fair updates, trainings or seminars.
2. Participation Improvement
Increase participant engagement in a proven and measurable way with a full reporting suite.
3. Proof of Employment
Measuring success of job placement is critical to your government funding. Follow up for proof of employment with job alerts and digital forms.
4. General Notifications
Connect with job seekers who do not have email or computer access.
5. Event Registration
Empower job seekers register for all events right from their phones, either by text message or through a mobile web app.
Use Engage by Cell to get content and instructions directly into the hands of your audience. Make content accessible to jobseekers 24-7 and monitor engagement with a real-time performance dashboard through text message job alerts.
To see how Engage by Cell can meet your specific needs, fill out the form below to schedule a meeting with our workforce development specialists.