How Mobile Engagement Can Make an Impact on Any Outdoor Experience

How can you provide interactive outdoor experiences for your visitors without signs cluttering your landscape or having to hire additional people to run tours?
For conservancies everywhere, including the Irvine Ranch Conservancy (IRC), the answer is mobile. With Engage by Cell, the organization has created an exciting audio guide along their trails in Irvine, California.
“I didn’t want to do traditional signage,” reports Brian Hughes, Interpretive and Training Manager with the IRC. “This was something I saw as new and fresh, and nobody else was doing it.” With small signs along trails, visitors can call in to hear about native plants and wildlife.
In regards to the technology, Hughes says, “It allows us to be able to react a lot quicker. If something interesting happens, we can highlight it on the trail.”
For more than ten years, Engage by Cell has worked with many environmental organizations like Friends of the Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge and Central Park Conservancy providing them with mobile technology services to improve visitor experiences.
Audio guides and smartphone tours eliminate the need for expensive signage and empower your visitors to take their own tours at their own pace.