10 Ways to Promote Your Text to Give Campaign

Why do some text-to-give campaigns bring in millions while others are passed over? After 15 years and more than 4,000 clients, our team at Engage by Cell has watched some of the largest and smallest nonprofits do incredible things to promote their mobile fundraising campaigns.
Here are 10 ways to make your Text-To-Give campaign successful:
1. Memorable Call to Action
Did you ask for donations? Did you tell people why you need funds? Spark some emotion in your audience and they will donate. Watch how Chorus America sang their call to action and forced this catchy jingle into the mind of everyone who hears it!
2. Involve a Local TV or Radio Station
Reach a larger audience by promoting your cause through a newscast, radio show, or podcast. See how the American Cancer Society partnered with KENS5, a San Antonio CBS affiliate, to promote the Real Men Wear Pink fundraising campaign. Watch how news anchors, weathermen, and reporters ask viewers to “Text HOPE to 20222.”
3. Use a Screencast Thermometer
A fundraising thermometer is a fantastic visual motivator in text to give fundraising. Donors get immediate recognition for all the world to see and helps donors feel like they are part of your important cause. Watch how Unity Performing Arts Foundation uses a screencast thermometer during their virtual fundraising event.
4. Collateral
Put your text to give call to action on every piece of collateral: posters, signs, stickers, tee-shirts, buttons, wrist bands, frisbees, etc. No attendee should leave your event, in-person or virtual, without knowing your unique keyword and short code.

5. Social Media
Create posts on every social media platform: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube and more. Ask your followers to like, share, retweet, comment, and donate. Don’t forget to thank your donors on social media too!

6. Offer a Carrier-Based Option to Donate
Through Engage by Cell’s partnership with the Mobile Giving Foundation, people can add the donation to their cell phone bill simply by responding “YES” to a text. No wallets, credit cards, or checks are required. A carried-based donation can be made in less than 10 seconds.

7. Include Text to Give in Email Signatures
Your staff sends thousands of emails every week to new and old contacts. Keep your call to action in the forefront by adding it to all staff members’ email signature blocks.

8. Digital Advertising
From search engine optimization (SEO) to content marketing, social media advertising, and email campaigns, digital advertising has great potential to raise awareness abut your text to give fundraising option.

9. Website
Include your text to give campaign on the Donate page on your website. Even better, include your keyword and short code on your website’s home page and don’t forget to embed your fundraising thermometer.

10. Partnerships
Ask your partner organizations to promote your text to give fundraising campaign on their channels.

We want your text to give fundraising campaign to capture as many donations as possible. Check out our suite of mobile fundraising tools, or chat with a mobile solutions expert today!